vegan coffee ice cream

Coconut Coffee Ice Cream

Homemade vegan ice cream…and great coffee flavor no less. It’s delicious and creamy! 

I use my Cusinart 1.5 quart ice cream maker for this recipe. Other ice cream makers should work too.

The day before you plan to make this, please do the following:

  • Refrigerate 1 can of Coconut milk (full fat, not light!) overnight. I always keep a can in my refrigerator just in case the ice cream craving pops up!
  • Soak 1/2 cup of cashews in filtered water overnight in the refrigerator (the quick soak boiling water method doesn’t work well for this because you want your cashews to be completely soaked so it gives a creamier ice cream.

Into you high speed blender add: 

1 can of coconut milk that was refrigerated overnight

1/2 cup of soaked, rinsed cashews (see above for soaking info)

1/3 cup of cold coffee or 1/4 cold espresso or cold brew concentrate

1/4 cup maple syrup

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

pinch of sea salt

Blend for 2 minutes in your high speed blender until completely blended and smooth. I used my VitaMix for this.

Pour into ice cream maker. I used my cuisinart ice cream maker so 30 minutes in the ice cream maker worked great. Put into a container and store in the freezer. 

If you are feeling extra decadent, try some toppings. A vegan chocolate sauce, vegan caramel sauce, vegan whipped cream or nuts.

Substitutions for other flavors: 

  • You could also sub the coffee for 1/3 cup of raw cacao powder and make chocolate ice cream
  • You could do 1/4 cup cold coffee and throw in 1/4 cup raw cacao powder to make a mocha ice cream
  • You could remove the coffee all together and add frozen strawberries or other frozen fruit.

Happy Vegan Eats!