A Vegan Kind of Life


Living with compassion for animals, the planet and ourselves

Vegan Gelato

What is A Vegan Kind of Life?

It's a mindset, a lifestyle, a passion to live a compassionate life and to do as little harm to others as possible.

People think that going vegan is so hard. But in reality, in this day and age, it's so easy to go vegan. You don't have to do it all at once, you can start by making small changes to your eating habits, products you buy and things you wear. Or if you are up for a challenge go cold-Tofurky like I did back in January 2010.
Going vegan takes a mindset shift. Make the decision and jump in! Want to know more about why you should go vegan? Check out "Why Vegan"

Need some Inspiration?

There are SO many vegan documentaries that will blow your mind and also make you think.  Where to start? I always suggest the following:  Earthlings, Cowspiracy, Forks Over Knives, Vegucated, What the Health, The Change Makers, Racing Extinction, Dominion and there are so many more. 

If books are more your thing, check out “How Not to Die” and “How Not to Diet” by Dr. Michael Gregor; “The Forks Over Knives Plan” by Dr. Pulde and Dr. Lederman; “The Engine 2 Diet”, “Engine 2 Seven Day Rescue Diet” and “Plant-Strong” by Rip Esselstyn. All of these are great for learning the ins and outs of a healthy vegan diet. If you or someone you know is worried about heart disease, then check out “Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease” by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. If diabetes is a concern, check out “Program for Reversing Diabetes” by Dr. Neal Barnard. Afraid of carbs? Think they are your enemy? They aren’t! Check out “The Starch Solution” by Dr. John McDougal. 

Want to totally geek out on the science (my favorite!), check out “The China Study” or “Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition” by T. Colin Campbell, PhD. Or really dig into it with Dr. Gregor with both of his books mentioned above, but also check out my favorite site for sifting through the real science of nutrition and visit nutritionfacts.org, you’ll soon find yourself lost in video after video! 

coconut milk latte
Vegan Coconut Latte
flower petals
Find beauty in the little things
vegan donuts
Vegan Donuts, oh yeah they rock!
Healthy Cauliflower Salad